Wednesday 22 February 2012

Mid Point Review (FT)

This week we watched via live streaming the full-timers MPR. This was going on throughout the day, and I joined in for the afternoon session. Live streaming hasn't worked very well on other occasions but this time it was much better :-) The full-time students had five minutes each to present their work, and then remain silent while the rest of us discussed their presentation afterwards, along with making suggestions for contextual research artists, and giving helpful hints and tips! We used Skype to type our comments and suggestions that Jonathan would relay by speaking out to the class, which happened live in the session. The f2f full-timers got a copy of the comments from skype to reflect on afterwards. There were also some 1st year students that joined in via skype, and it was good to meet them too.

Below are some of the presentations that I joined in with, along with my suggestions:

1. Zabou -Video Surveillance and related issues.

Suggestions: Contextual research: Nancy Nisbet,  Steve Mann, Paula Roush, and cyberneticist Kevin Warwick. They have all previously done work regarding surveillance of some kind.

2. Emily - Lights and Animation.
Suggestions: Look at the Light Works by artist James Turrell.  Also if continuing to use music, it would be best to  either make it yourself, or commission someone to make for you due to copyright issues.

3. Pan - Breathing & Nature. Pan's work is similar to my own work in a way since she has been recording breathing sounds, and is also interested in natural generative elements of nature too, though the concept of her work is very different to mine.
Suggestions: Look at artist Kimsooja for contextual research as she has done work with breathing, and checkout this site: Art and Breath

4. James - Chaos Theory and Bubbles.

Suggestions: I didn't  know if James had seen this already, but I suggested that he watch a documentary called The Secret Life of Chaos.  I also thought that he may be interested in reading some of my Research Paper as I explored Chaos Theory too. For contextual research I suggested to look at bubble artist Fan Yang I also suggested that if he videoed the bubble installation that he was thinking of making, it may be fun to experiment using a video feedback loop too.

I had to go after James' presentation so unfortunately I didn't get to see the very last presentation of the afternoon :-(

I really enjoyed being able to take part in these presentations and found them all really fascinating :-)

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